Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Nagarjuna Fertilisers and Chemicals Ltd” (BSE Code: 500075) at 28-31/-

Presently Trading at  Cheepest Stock in Oil & Gas Sector.

Recently NFCL declared Decent Results with Net Income 330 Cr and Net profit of 27.35 Cr Compared to Last year raise 25%.

Nagarjuna Fertilisers and Chemicals Ltd doing Fetliser Business and

NFCL having Availability of Natural Gas at the cheapest Rate in comparison to others for next few decades.

NFCL Planning to Demerge 2 companies 1. Nagarjuna Fertilisers Ltd and 2. Nagarjuna Oil Ltd. More than 71% stake in Nagarjuna Oil, Only Refinary in Tamilnadu, expected to be commissioned during 2011-12.

Book value 23/-

EPS 1.55/-

Dividend 5% to 10% yearly.

Share Holding:

Promoters 37.89% (with Foreign Promoters)

Just Consider the following astonishing facts about NFCL and workout it`s worth:

1. Situated at kakinada (land fall point of RIL Gas) in 1130 Acres of land.
2. Availability of Natural Gas at the cheapest Rate in comparison to others for next few decades.
3. Present Capacity of the plant is 1.6 Million Ton, which requires atleast 7000 Cr. and 4 yrs of lead time to set up. 7000 Cr. means Rs. 160/- per share for NFCL.
4. New urea policy is going to be investor friendly and will ultimately lead towards Decontrol of Urea. Once de-control NFCL will be a real Gold Mine.
5. Due to Demand & supply Mismatch, huge scope for capacity expansion. Having ready market for 2.5 Million Ton of Urea compared to 1.6 Million Ton capacity.
6. One of the best Energy Efficient plant with close proximity of Kakinada Port.
7. More than 71% stake in Nagarjuna Oil, Only Refinary in Tamilnadu, expected to be commissioned during 2011-12.
8. Net Profit of 66 Crore and Cash profit of more than 200 Crore after adjusting loss in imported urea for marketting purpose.
9. Expected profit from the sell of Carbon Credit.
10. Low Promoter`s holding(37%) and most suitable candidate for Takeover by RIL or Jaiprakash Group.

Imagine a situation after 4 years when along with RIL,other players like ONGC and GSPC will start producing Natural Gas from KG basin and that time NFCL will not be dependent on RIL alone and they may start sourcing natural gas from other players for the sake of better price.So to keep such a bulk consumer in it`s fold and to get entry into the Fertilizer sector which is backward integration for RIL towards it`s foray into agri retail sector,it will be beneficial for RIL to consider to take 28% stake(17.2 crore shares on an enhanced equity of 600 crore) in Nagarjuna Fert @ Rs.160/- per share.This move will be beneficial for both the companies.With this fresh infusion of Rs.2750 crore NFCL will be able to retire it`s entire debt of 1050 Crore and balance 1700 crore will be used to expand their capacity from 1.6 to 4.0 million ton in phased manner on their surplus land of 800 acre at Kakinada. This will increase their turnover from present 1900 crore to 6000 crore and netprofit in the range of 1500 crore to 1800 crore giving an EPS of Rs.25/- to 30/-on an equity of 600 crore.Considering the payment of 80% dividend to NFCL share holders,RIL will be entitled to receive an annual tax free return of 137.6 crores(5 %)on an initial investment of 2750 crore with an assured bulk consumer for it`s KG gas. Once Urea will be decontroled then the future of NFCL will be more promising. Expect a price of 800/- within 5 years.

One can Buy at 31/- for Medium Term and Long Term Stock will go 39/- & 45/- and 150/-

Its Risk Free Investment at 28-31/-. Stock is to be accumulated at dips. So divide the total quantity into 3 parts and buy in the range.In future This stock is Gold Mine based on Value of Land and Oil and Gas Aailability.

After Demerging of this Nagarjuna Fertilisers and Chemicals Ltd will List 2 Companies Nagarjuna Fertilisers Ltd and Nagarjuna Oil  Ltd, Stock will go 150/- in Medium term.

As per Oil & gas Business Stock can go to 1000/- levels. 

But remember 

"Although its easy to forget sometimes, a share is not a lottery ticket. It's a part ownership of a business. The stock market is designed to transfer money from the active to the patient."


"Most people get interested in stocks when everyone else is. The time to get interested is when no one else is. You can't buy what is popular and do well."

1 comment:

  1. Mathematics is ordinarily considered as producing precise and dependable results; but in the stock market the more elaborate and abstruse the mathematics, the more uncertain and speculative are the conclusions we draw therefrom.
